Safer Spaces: A Collaborative Imperative
IEB Life Orientation CAT A 2022)


The CAT A assessments have been designed to discover current issues and to engage in conversations that are often challenging and controversial. They aim to unpack the impact that these challenges currently have, as well as the impact in the future if nothing changes. They consider:

  • How narratives are influenced by fact and emotion
  • Your reflection on your ethical standing on challenging topics
  • How real dialogue is critical in reaching solutions to problems

This year, the key topic is: “Safer Spaces: A Collaborative Imperative”. We look at what constitutes a safe space, define the term “sustainable community” and find out how both contribute to true happiness. We unpack the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and look at how human rights violations negate happiness. Finally, we study Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 


International Women’s Day (1.02)

Safe Spaces Are Not Enough (5.14)

Is Copenhagen the World’s Most Sustainable City? (5.48)

Sonja Lyubomirsky: What is Happiness? (2.54)

How To Be Happy (5.01)

What are Human Rights? (6.05)

Why South Africa is still so segregated (10.15)

The 5 Whys Problem Solving Method (2.02)

Throughout the world, people want the same things: access to clean air and water; economic opportunities; a safe and healthy place to raise their kids; shelter; lifelong learning; a sense of community; and the ability to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives.*

What is a sustainable community?

A sustainable community manages its human, natural and financial capital to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations.

A sustainable community creates a safe space in which to belong. It enables people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives to feel safe.



Factors contributing to true happiness

  1. Watch the video clipSonja Lyubomirsky: What is Happiness? 
    Make a note of your concept of happiness by writing “happiness” in the centre of a piece of paper and drawing lines out to detail what makes you happy – both the concrete and the less tangible.
  2. According to research in America, only 10% of our happiness is determined by our life circumstances, 50% by our genetics, and a massive 40% depends on our everyday activities. This research was conducted in the USA. To what extent are the findings likely to be applicable within the South African context?
  3. Why do you think happiness is so important? 
  4. Research shows that happiness is related more to the collective and less to the individual. Our relationships with others are a key aspect of our happiness. What do you make of the following quote by Jigme Thinley, former Prime Minister of Bhutan:

“We know that true abiding happiness cannot exist while others suffer, and [it] comes only from serving others, living in harmony with nature and realising our innate wisdom and the true and brilliant nature of our own minds.”? 


Human Rights Violations

In South Africa, one of the human rights in the South African Bill of Rights and Responsibilities is the right to equality, with the responsibility to treat every person equally and fairly; to not discriminate unfairly against anyone based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, disability, culture, language, status, or appearance. A human rights violation takes place when someone is not afforded their right to equality and as a result their happiness is compromised.

Developing an Intervention Strategy

In planning an intervention strategy, you want to:

  1. Consider the context of conflict by asking questions such as:
  • What trauma/issue are you addressing? 
  • Who is affected by the trauma? 
  • What are the factors that have contributed to or caused the trauma? (Are there any human rights being violated?)
  • How are people coping with their trauma/compensating for their struggles?
  1. Gain a deep understanding of the problem/trauma/issue 
  • The 5 Whys Problem Solving Method is an effective method in understanding the problem.
  1. Create an action plan by considering:
  • The intervention strategy’s vision and goals
  • Who the stakeholders will be 
  • Your personal role and responsibilities
  • What resources you will need 
  • The milestones and measures of success you want to achieve
  • The sustainability of the strategy 
  1. Consider how you want to present it. Some examples include:
  • A digital persuasive appeal (audio and visual recording)
  • A speech and visual presentation (recording/oral)
  • A written project plan report

If you are using the Achieve Careers LO Programme, the following information is recommended to support the facilitation of these topics.

Cat A Resource Pack

This has been made available to schools using our GR 12 LO programme.

Social and environmental responsibility
Grade 10 LO Manual pp. 23–42

Grade 11 LO Manual pp. 23–38

Critical thinking
Grade 11 LO Manual pp. 85–92

Human Rights
Grade 10 CAPS pp. 14–17

Human Rights Violations 
Grade 10 CAPS pp. 22–27


* Institute for Sustainable Communities, ‘What is a Sustainable Community’, [Online], Available:

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